From an accounting point of view, fixed assets usually refer to houses, buildings, machinery, machinery, transportation vehicles and other equipment, appliances and tools related to production and operation, which have a useful life of more than one year. Fixed Assets occupy most of the total value of primary and secondary school assets, which is an important material basis for schools to survive and develop. Fixed Assets Management is an important part of financial management, which can scientifically and effectively manage the fixed assets , To ensure that they have a safe and good use of the state, to create a better environment, education and teaching will have a significant role in promoting. So, how to effectively manage the school fixed assets? First, the school fixed asset management problems and causes At present, most schools in accordance with the school financial management practices for daily operation, a clear management objectives and goals, but the distance norms also There is a certain gap, there are some problems. 1. Fixed assets management mixed gang.