“还珠格格”真是一部神奇的电视剧,且不说它红透了大江南北,风靡了两岸三地,就参加演出的每一个人都借着这部有着飞毯般魔力的电视剧而一步登天了。让人左思右想,最后终于悟出什么叫:缘,妙不可言,什么叫作机遇了。尽管这故事已经结束了三年,尽管其续集拍的可圈可点。但是并没有影响在其曾经出演的每个人。 首推小燕子赵薇,从一个在校学生一跃成为偶像明星。不但身价有了,而且派头似乎比那些演艺圈的前辈还大,明明答应有中国第一皇帝之称的张国立,出演其片又毁约,同时还赔进去了自己的学校。
“My Fair Princess” is really a fantastic TV series. Not to mention that it permeates the river from north to south and has swept across the Taiwan Strait and the Three Kingdoms, everyone participating in the show has made its debut with this flying-carpet-like TV series. Let people think about it, and finally finally realize what is: edge, fantastic, what is the opportunity. Although the story has ended for three years, despite the sequel to make remarkable. But it did not affect everyone who starred in it. Devaluation swallow Zhao Wei, from a student in school has become an idol star. Not only worth it, but also seems to be more than those who sent the showbiz predecessors is bigger, promised to have the first Chinese emperor Zhang Guo Li, starred in its film and breach of contract, but also lost into their own schools.