狠抓落实 大干苦干 掀起兴修水利、建设海塘新高潮

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近年来,特别是从“八五”中期开始,我省各地认真贯彻党中央、国务院关于水利工作的一系列重大决策,加强领导,深化改革,增加投入,全省水利建设事业取得了重大进展。一大批已建成的水利设施,在防灾减灾中发挥了显著的作用。在近几年连续遭受严重洪涝、台风灾害的情况下,全省3600多座水库安全度汛。据有关部门不完全统计,五年来,全省水利工程减灾效益达200多亿元。与此同时,水利改革也取得了较大的突破,有关部门在建立多层次、多元化水利投入机制 In recent years, especially since the middle period of the “Eighth Five-Year Plan,” the province has conscientiously implemented a series of major decisions of the Party Central Committee and the State Council on water conservancy work, strengthened leadership, deepened reform, and increased investment, making major progress in the province’s water conservancy construction. A large number of completed water conservancy facilities have played a significant role in disaster prevention and mitigation. In the case of continuous floods and typhoon disasters in recent years, more than 3,600 reservoirs in the province have been rampant. According to incomplete statistics from the relevant departments, in the past five years, the province’s water conservancy project has achieved more than 20 billion yuan in disaster reduction. At the same time, water conservancy reforms have also made major breakthroughs, and relevant departments are establishing multi-level and diversified water conservancy input mechanisms.
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