恶性疟原虫配子体发生后,其未成熟配子体一般在内部器官中发育(主要在骨髓,其次在脾脏),并在无性体第一次出现后的7~12天,才能在周围血液中查到成熟的配子体。这对观察配子体各阶段的发育和研究药物对配子体发育的影响,常常带来很大困难。自从体外培养恶性疟原虫获得成功后,除恶性疟原虫内期的研究迅速得到了发展外,恶性疟原虫配子体方面的研究也取得了可喜成就。如恶性疟原虫在体外能够诱发形成配子体,并能发育成熟和感染蚊媒,以及由此产生的子孢子能成功地感染夜猴(Aotustrivirgatus)和黑猩猩(Pan troylodytes)。
After P. falciparum gametophyte occurs, its immature gametophyte generally develops in internal organs (mainly in the bone marrow, followed by the spleen) and can be detected in the peripheral blood 7-12 days after the first appearance of the asexual Gametophyte. It is often difficult to observe the development of gametophyte stages and the effects of study drugs on gametophyte development. Since the success of Plasmodium falciparum culture in vitro, rapid progress has been made in the internal phase of Plasmodium falciparum, and research on Plasmodium falciparum gametocytes has also made encouraging achievements. For example, Plasmodium falciparum can induce the formation of gametophytes in vitro and can mature and infect mosquito vectors, and the resulting sporozoites can successfully infect the night monkeys (Aotustrivirgatus) and the chimpanzees (Pan troylodytes).