Genome Editing Strategies Towards Enhancement of Rice Disease Resistance

来源 :水稻科学(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yinyilin183
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The emerging pests and phytopathogens have reduced the crop yield and quality, which hasthreatened the global food security. Traditional breeding methods, molecular marker-based breeding approaches and use of genetically modified crops have played a crucial role in strengthening the food security worldwide. However, their usages in crop improvement have been highly limited due to multiple caveats. Genome editing tools like transcriptional activator-like effector nucleases and clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats (CRISPR)-associated endonuclease Cas9 (CRISPR/Cas9) have effectively overcome limitations of the conventional breeding methods and are being widely accepted for improvement of crops. Among the genome editing tools, the CRISPR/Cas9 system has emerged as the most powerful tool of genome editing because of its efficiency, amicability, flexibility, low cost and adaptability. Accumulated evidences indicate that genome editing has great potential in improving the disease resistance in crop plants. In this review, we offered a brief introduction to the mechanisms of different genome editing systems and then discussed recent developments in CRISPR/Cas9 system-based genome editing towards enhancement of rice disease resistance by different strategies. This review also discussed the possible applications of recently developed genome editing approaches like CRISPR/Cas12a (formerly known as Cpf1) and base editors for enhancement of rice disease resistance.
10月 15日至 19日 ,2 0 0 1年全国城市区志武汉研讨会在武昌召开。会议由武昌区志办承办 ,来自北京、上海、广州、沈阳、昆明等 40多个城市区志办公室的 80多名代表到会 ,会
1984年,北京姑娘平亚丽实现了中国运动员残奥会上金牌零的突破。然而,这枚金牌并没让平亚丽的人生有质的改变。退役后,她遭遇了下岗失业、儿子先天性失明、离婚等重大打击。最艰难时,她白天给人做报告,晚上想的却是如何自杀。在一次领救济金时,儿子的一句话深深刺痛了她的心,从此,她走上了发奋创业的道路,并用自己的行动教儿子学会自强自立……    遭遇人生低谷,残奥冠军决心创业为儿子做表率  记者(以下简称记
The environmental temperature occurring during the grain filling stage is an important factoraffecting starch synthesis and accumulation in rice. We investigate
芽苗砧嫁接是由Moore(1963—1964)提出来的,用于板栗、核桃、栎类和山核桃等大粒坚果类树种的嫁接,现已成为一种有效的嫁接方法。芽苗砧嫁接法如图所示,其操作步骤如下: 1.