还是在嘉里中心二层大宴会厅的主席 台上,站在聚光灯下的高群耀依然神采奕奕,只不过他周围的布景标识已经由淡蓝色的Microsoft换成了颜色近似的Autodesk。台下的掌声依旧热烈。 2003年10月27日,面对着台下数百名客户和合作伙伴,面对着坐阵第一排的老东家,Autodesk公司董事会主席、总裁兼首席执行官卡萝·巴茨及其领导的中国特别事务委员会,高群耀以Autodesk中国特别事务委员会成员、全球副总裁兼大中华区总裁的身份,正式登台亮相。他的新舞
Still standing on the rostrum of the Grand Ballroom on the second floor of the Kerry Center, Gao Qun-yao, still in the spotlight, was still alive, except that the set logo around him was changed from a light blue Microsoft to a color-coded Autodesk. The audience applause is still warm. On October 27, 2003, faced with hundreds of clients and partners on stage, in the face of the first owner in the front row, Carole Butts, Chairman of the Board, President and CEO of Autodesk, and its leaders Of the China Special Panel, Gao Qunyao to Autodesk China Special Committee, vice president and president of Greater China, the identity of the official debut. His new dance