远古时代,台湾与大陆相连,后来因地壳运动,相连接的部分沉入海中,形成海峡,出现台湾岛。 台湾早期住民中,大部分是从中国大陆直接或间接移居而来的。 1971年和 1974年,两次在台南县左镇乡发现了迄今为止台湾最早的人类化石,被命名为“左镇人”。考古学家认为,“左
In ancient times, Taiwan was linked to the mainland and later, due to the crustal movement, the connected parts sank into the sea to form the Strait and the island of Taiwan appeared. Most of Taiwan’s early inhabitants came directly or indirectly from mainland China. In 1971 and 1974, two of the earliest human fossils in Taiwan ever since found in Zuozhen Township, Tainan County, were named “Left-Townspeople.” Archeologists think, "Left