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选取典型表层岩溶泉域内的土壤剖面和表层岩溶泉水为研究对象,采用气相色谱(GC-μECD)对土壤和地下水中的有机氯农药(organochlorine pesticides,OCPs)进行定量分析,研究了有机氯农药在岩溶区上覆土壤中的垂直迁移以及对地下水的影响.结果表明,研究区所有土壤剖面中,HCHs和DDTs均有检出.HCHs和DDTs的含量范围分别为:0.77~18.3 ng·g-1(平均5.16 ng·g-1)和0.34~226 ng·g-1(平均16 ng·g-1).研究区土壤中的HCHs和DDTs峰值主要出现在土壤亚表层.在一年的观测期间,4个表层岩溶泉中均有HCHs和DDTs检出.泉水中HCHs和DDTs的含量范围分别为:2.09~60.1 ng·L-1(平均12 ng·L-1)和N.D~79.8 ng·L-1(平均9.16 ng·L-1).后沟泉、柏树湾泉、兰花沟泉的HCHs和DDTs含量以及水房泉中的HCHs含量均呈现出雨季高于旱季的特点.泉水中的HCHs、DDTs含量与泉域内土壤中的HCHs、DDTs含量并没有很好的对应关系.研究表明,TOC、土壤含水量、黏粒含量、p H均对后沟泉域土壤中有机氯农药垂直迁移产生抑制作用,致使后沟泉域土壤中有机氯农药含量虽然在4个泉域中最高,但泉水中的含量却最低.而在水房泉泉域,这4个因素对有机氯农药的垂直迁移均没有抑制作用,因此水房泉泉域土壤中有机氯农药含量虽然最低,但泉水中有机氯农药的含量却较高. The soil profiles and surface karst springs in the typical epikarst spring waters were selected as the research object. The contents of organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) in soil and groundwater were quantitatively analyzed by gas chromatography (GC-μECD) HCHs and DDTs were detected in all the soil profiles in the study area.The contents of HCHs and DDTs ranged from 0.77 to 18.3 ng · g -1 (Averaged 5.16 ng · g-1) and 0.34 ~ 226 ng · g-1 (average 16 ng · g-1) .HCHs and DDTs in the soil of the study area mainly appeared in the soil subsurface layer.In the one year observation period , And HCHs and DDTs were detected in all four epikarst springs.The concentrations of HCHs and DDTs in spring water ranged from 2.09 to 60.1 ng · L-1 (average 12 ng · L-1) and ND-79.8 ng · L -1 (average 9.16 ng · L-1) .HCHs and DDTs contents in HGG, QINGSHUIQUAN, and Lanhuagou springs and HCHs content in Shuiquan were all higher than those in the dry season in spring.HCHs , There is no good correlation between DDTs content and soil HCHs and DDTs content in the spring.Research shows that TOC, Amount, clay content and p H all inhibited the vertical migration of organochlorine pesticides in the soil of HGgou, resulting in the highest content of organochlorine pesticides in the soil of HGGU. However, But the lowest, while in Shuifangquan spring, these four factors had no inhibitory effect on the vertical migration of organochlorine pesticides, so the content of organochlorine pesticides in the spring water was the lowest But higher.
1980年代,西方政治经济学界曾热烈讨论过国家在“型塑社会”(Society-Shaping)上的角色问题,而它的核心乃是“大资本主义”(Giantism)或“小资本主义”(Small Capitalism)哪一种比较好。  从二次大战的战争动员,一直到现在,人们都普遍认为美国式的资本主义模型最好。大公司,大型连锁的服务流通等,它不但征服了美国,也成为全球的圭臬,传统的中小企业则被认为市场规模和技