
来源 :华夏考古 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:shmily8318
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As one of the biggest province of cultural deposits, Henan has made a great progress in archaeological studies in the last fifty year since the founding of the People’8 Republic of China. All kinds of archaeological maerials including the remains of Homo erectus, the sites of the Yangshao culture and the Longshan culture, the bombs grottos and kilns of different Dynasties.etc. have brough us a brilliant history of the Central Plains of China. As one of the biggest province of cultural deposits, Henan has made a great progress in archaeological studies in the last fifty year since the founding of the People’8 Republic of China. All kinds of archaeological maer including the remains of Homo erectus, the sites of the Yangshao culture and the Longshan culture, the bombs grottos and kilns of different Dynasties. etc. have brough us a brilliant history of the Central Plains of China.
故障现象一辆雷诺科雷傲车,行驶里程约为5 000 km,据驾驶人反映,该车的燃油表有时指示不准确。详细询问后得知,在车辆加满燃油后,有时燃油表指针仍处在最底端,而有时显示却正
引 言 迄今为止,中国境内共有五个地点发现了处于墓葬中的帛画:长沙,江陵,广州,武威,临沂一带。众所周知,在所有的二十余幅帛画中,马王堆一号汉墓帛画由于形制完备,内容丰富
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