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春天来了,春天大步朝我们走来了。 自从第22次江西省公安会议以来,江西的公安干警已迎来了第五个春天。这五年,用江西老表的门联说:“年年春色好,岁岁报平安”。横楣是:“国泰民安”。 3月19日,来自井冈山下,赣南老区,长江岸边,瓷都名镇的300多名各地、市、县公安处、局长,踩着春天的鼓点,聚集在江西省会滨江宾馆,在这里召开为期4天的第23次江西省公安会议。 这是一次继往开来的省一级公安会议,仿佛站在20世纪与21世纪的交叉点上,沐浴着春色,眺望着新世纪的曙光。代表们回顾五年历程人人豪情满怀,展望’95公安规划个个信心百倍。代表们那高涨的情绪,无时不在使笔者接受一种精神洗礼,从参观现场模式到阅读主体报告,从与代表一起座谈讨论到聆听省委领导的重要讲话,都别有一番感慨在心头。 Spring is coming, spring strides toward us. Since the 22nd Jiangxi Provincial Public Security Conference, Jiangxi police officers and men have ushered in the fifth spring. The past five years, with the old couplets of Jiangxi said: “every spring is good, the year reported peace.” Cross frieze is: “Cathay Pacific Civil Aid.” On March 19, more than 300 officials from all over, cities and counties under the leadership of Jinggangshan, Gannan Old Quarter, the banks of the Yangtze River and the capital of porcelain gathered at the Riverside Hotel in Jiangxi Province where they congregated on the spring drumsticks. Held a period of 4 days of the 23rd Jiangxi Provincial Public Security Conference. This is a time-honored public security conference at the provincial level, as if standing at the crossroads of the 20th century and the 21st century, bathed in spring and looked out at the dawn of a new century. The delegates recalled the five-year history of everyone’s pride and confidence in the ’95 public security plan. The high emotions of the deputies always brought the author to accept a spiritual baptism. From the mode of visiting the scene to the reading of the main report, we should not have some feeling in mind when we discussed and discussed with delegates and listened to the important speeches delivered by the provincial party committee leaders.
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1994年5月31日,长江下游入海口处的江城南通。 大地尚在晨曦初露中,当天的市报就已载文披露:原江苏省南通市人民政府副秘书长宋决平因涉嫌受贿被公安机关依法逮捕。 区区百
我在湖边散步,享受着淡雅的荷香。荷花有白的,也有粉红的。那些含苞待放的花骨朵,看上去像害羞的女孩。盛开的荷花在荷叶的衬托下,显得分外妩媚。莲 I walk in the lake, en