让学生动起来 让课堂活起来——以《老王》课堂设计为例初探课堂活动模式的构建

来源 :中学课程辅导(江苏教师) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lzyltt8888
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语文课堂教学的模式多种多样,哪一种更合理、更科学?众说纷纭、莫衷一是。笔者认为,考证一种模式的是否合理、有效,并不一定要从教者的角度出发,应更多地去观察学生的参与热情和课堂效果,一讲到底、“填鸭式”、满堂灌的老模式已陈旧不堪,把课堂真正地还给学生,让学生动起来,让课堂活起来。 There are many different modes of Chinese classroom teaching, which one is more reasonable and more scientific? In my opinion, it is not necessary to study whether a model is reasonable and effective. It is not necessary to observe the enthusiasm and classroom effect of students’ participation more from the point of view of the teacher. The old model is outdated, the class really back to students, so that students move to make the class live up.