目的:了解长期住院精神病患者骨质疏松状况及严重程度。方法对100例长期住院精神病患者采用双光子超声骨强度仪进行骨密度测定分析。结果本组83.0%的患者骨密度异常,37.0%的患者为中度或重度骨质疏松症。女性精神病患者骨质疏松检出率高于男性(76.3%/37.1%);随着年龄的增长骨质疏松检出率不断升高;住院时间≥10 a者骨质疏松检出率为92.9%,≥10 a者检出率为85.7%。结论长期住院精神病患者骨质疏松症检出率较高,需加以关注。“,”Objective To investigate the osteoporosis condition and severity in long‐term hospitalization psychotics .Methods Bone densitometry analyses were conducted using biphotonic ultrasonic bone density apparatus (BUBDA ) in 100 long‐term hospitalization psychotics .Results Among them 83 .0% had bone den‐sity abnormality ,37 .0% w ere serious or severe osteoporosis .Detection rate of osteoporosis was higher in female than male patients (76 .3% vs 37 .1% );detection rate heightens along with age growth ,that was 92 .9% in patients with ≥ 10 year hospitalization ,and 85 .7% in patients with≥ 20 year hospitalization .Conclusion Long‐term hospitalization psychotics have higher detection rate of osteoporosis and should be concerned .