一项旨在控制汽车油耗、节约石油能源的《乘用车燃料消耗耗量限值》强制性国家标准28日正式出台,并将于明年7月1日起开始实施。 《乘用车燃料消耗量限值》国家标准是中国控制汽车燃料消耗量的第一项强制性国家标准, 《限值》首次对3.5吨以下的轻型载客车辆按载车
A mandatory national standard for controlling the fuel consumption of passenger cars and saving oil energy is set forth on the 28th and will be implemented on July 1 next year. The “Passenger Car Fuel Consumption Limits” national standard is the first mandatory national standard for controlling fuel consumption in automobiles in China. For the first time, “Limits”