鼻咽癌多发于 40~ 6 0岁的成年人 ,儿童少见。笔者发现4例儿童鼻咽癌患者 ,报告如下。例 1.患儿 ,男 ,7岁。发现颈部肿物并疼痛 1月于 1991年 8月 12日来诊。曾注射青霉素、口服异胭肼等治疗 ,肿物较原来稍小。查体 :右侧胸锁乳突肌中段有一肿物约 2 cm×2 cm。B超示肿大淋巴
Nasopharyngeal carcinoma in 40 to 60 years old adults, children rare. I found four cases of children with nasopharyngeal carcinoma, the report is as follows. Example 1. Children, male, 7 years old. Neck pain and pain were found January 1, 1991 August 12 consultation. Once injected penicillin, oral isoniazid and other treatment, the tumor smaller than the original. Physical examination: the right sternocleidomastoid muscle in the middle of a tumor about 2 cm × 2 cm. B ultrasound showed enlarged lymph nodes