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The Midsummer Festival, a hundred-year-old tradition in Scandinavia, falls on June 22 or23,when the sun will reach its highest point inthe sky,to create the longest day of the year.Innorthern part of Scandinavia, one can see themidnight sun as the sun drops to just below thehorizon and the night never reaches completedarkness.Many places celebarte1 Midsummer on St.John’s day,June 24,while in Sweden it is hon- The Midsummer Festival, a hundred-year-old tradition in Scandinavia, falls on June 22 or23, when the sun will reach its highest point inthe sky,to create the longest day of the year.Innorthern part of Scandinavia, one can see themidnight sun As the sun drops to just below thehorizon and the night never reached completedarkness.Many places celebarte1 Midsummer on St.John’s day,June 24,while in Sweden it is hon-
Temperature and salinity are two of the most potent abiotic factors infl uencing marine mollusks.In this study,we investigated the individual and combined ef fe
同一个正方体,若按不同的方式展开,得到的平面展开图是不一样的. 那么,正方体的展开图有哪些可能呢?本文浅略探讨如下,供大家参考. 一个正方体的平面展开图可从以下三个角度
学勇兄:  去年秋天,有一位我很敬重的友人,建议我从中古文学家如蔡文姬、嵇康、阮籍等人中挑选一位来写传记,参加到中国作协主持的“中国百位文化名人传记”丛书工程当中去。据介绍,该“传记”丛书要求:应是原创的纪实体文学作品,在尊重史实基础上进行文学艺术创造,力求生动完美,具有引人入胜的故事性和可读性云云。每部传记的篇幅约掌握在二十五万字至四十万字。  既要纪实,又要创造,我理解就是要达成学术性和文学性
Aquaculture in saline-alkaline water has a major problem:microalgal blooming causes the p H of water to increase dramatically,thereby causing damage to the rear