据美国北卡罗来纳州Wake Forest大学的Baptist医学中心研究人员报告,他们已发现大豆能降低胆固醇作用成份是大豆含有的异黄酮。 在1998年3月新墨西哥州Santa Fe召开美国心脏学会年会上,内科学及公共卫生学教授Crouse向大会报告了由156个胆固醇有中等程度升高的病人,无规则地接受饮用含有异黄酮及不含异黄酮大豆蛋白饮料之研究结果。另一组病人则服用含酪蛋白饮料,酪蛋白是牛奶主要蛋白质。
Researchers at the Baptist Medical Center at Wake Forest University in North Carolina have reported that soybeans have been found to lower the cholesterol component of soy isoflavones. At the annual meeting of the American Heart Association held in Santa Fe, New Mexico, in March 1998, Crouse, a professor of internal medicine and public health, reported to the General Assembly that 156 patients with moderately elevated cholesterol had irregularly received alcoholism containing isoflavones and Study Results of Isoflavone Free Soy Protein Drink. The other group took a casein-containing beverage, casein is the main protein of milk.