Aequorea taiwanensis n. sp. (Hydrozoa, Leptomedusae) and mtCOI sequence analysis for the genus Aequo
来源于水母Aequorea victoria的绿荧光蛋白(green fluorescent protein,GFP)现已成为在生物化学和细胸生物学中研究和开发应用得最广泛的蛋白质之一。其内源荧光基团在受到紫外......
Cloning and expression of aequorin genes from jellyfish Aequorea and characterization of aequorins a
Two new aequorin genes, aeqxm and aeqxxm, were isolated from jellyfish Aequorea macrodactyla and Aequorea parva respecti......
Aequorea taiwanensis n. sp. (Hydrozoa,Leptomedusae) and mtCOI sequence analysis for the genus Aequor
Aequorea taiwanensis,a new hydrozoan species from the Taiwan Strait was described using morphological and molecular char......