[Objective] To determine the content of Cu,Pb and Cd in PORIA by atomic absorption spectrometry(AAS).[Method] Different ......
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This paper presents the contemporary motion and active deformation of South America plate and relative motion of Nazca-S......
The circum Pacific tectonic system that contains of convergent, divergent and transform boundaries, is the most active ......
In vivo antimalarial activity and toxicological effects of methanolic extract of Cocos nucifera(Dwar
在浩瀚的印度洋上,散落着许多璀璨的明珠,可可斯群岛(Cocos Islands,有译椰子群岛)就是其中耀眼的一颗,但其实不仔细在地图上找是......
In the present study, a statistical investigation is carried out to explore whether there is a relationship between the ......
阜阳市局 £4a 局长——_MINtkMMtgj’#lnH$B——q.M——D收束志不他只邀狲位J则【科校为先导推动地租工作.B为广为戳民U用凶盼引眯B.......
茯苓(Poria cocos)是一种传统的药用真菌。《本草经疏》云:其味甘平,性则无毒。《本草正》云:能利窍去湿,利窍则开心益智,导浊生......
茯苓(Poria cocos wolf)为多孔菌科植物,异名甚多,常见者为其菌核体。寄生于松科植物赤松或马尾松等树根上。茯苓在我国分布甚广,......
近年来,我们在检验麝香时,曾多次发现一种掺伪物。经鉴定,疑为多孔菌科真菌茯苓Poria coces(Schw)Wolf干燥菌核的粉末,现将实验结......
茯苓为多孔菌科植物Poria cocos(Schw.)wolf的菌核。用于治疗小便不利,水肿胀满、痰饮咳逆、呕哕、泄泻、惊悸、健忘等。近几十年......
茯苓块为多孔菌科真菌茯苓Poria Cocos(S-chw)Wolf.的鲜菌核经去皮后切制而成的块片。是中医临床常用的一味中药。近来,我们发现......
茯苓始载于《神农本草经》。《史记》中称为茯灵。为多孔菌科真菌茯苓Poria cocos(Schw.)Wolf的干燥菌核。《日华子本草》记载“......
茯苓Poria cocos(Schw.)自古就是食用与药用珍品,是传统中药的“四君八珍”之一,《神农本草经》把它列为上品。茯苓具有利水渗湿、......
Zhenxuanyin (镇眩饮) is composed of pure Chinese medicinal herbs, such as gastrodia tuber, poria cocos, ligusticum wall......
研究发现茯苓(Poria cocos)菌核甲醇提取物对12-O-十四烷酰佛波醇-13-乙酸酯(TPA)诱导小鼠二阶段皮肤癌形成具有抑制作用。为追踪......
AIM: To evaluate the pharmaceutical safety of a Chinese herbal formula, Chunggan extract (CGX), traditionally prescribed......
对辽宁、河南、湖北、湖南、福建和安徽各地引进的9个茯苓[Poria cocos(Fr)Wolf]菌株进行了12次筛选,结果证明,用PDA加20克/升松根......
AIM:To assess the antacid effects of the tonic Chinese herbal prescriptions,Si-Jun-Zi-Tang(SJZT) and Shen-Ling-Bai-Zhu-S......
Traditional herbal medicines,Fuling,Baizhu,and Danggui,promote the proliferation of human Schwann ce
Enhancing Schwann cell proliferation may be beneficial for peripheral nerve repair and nerve regeneration. A traditional......
[Objective]To investigate the effective component content and the antioxidant activity of the peels of Poria cocos(Schw.......
[Objective]To determine the content of Poria polysaccharide in Poria cocos from different places.[Method]The absorbance ......
Objective:To analyze the eytoproteetive and antidiabetic activities as well as phytochemical composition of the immature......
Poria polysaccharide chemical components can combat tumor and cancer and boost the immune system. It also has antibacter......
In vivo antimalarial activity and toxicological effects of methanolic extract of Cocos nucifera(Dwar
OBJECTIVE: Phytochemical constituents as well as antimalarial and toxicity potentials of the methanolic extract of the h......
Structure modification of carboxymethylation and ferulic acid in pachymaran of PORIA were carried out. Antioxidation act......
Mycelium of a cultivated strain of Poria cocos was grown by submerged fermentation in a liquid mediumcontaining corn st......
蛋白质非酶糖基化(non-enzymatic protein glycation,NEPG)是引起糖尿病并发症的主要因素之一,因此开发具有抑制非酶糖基化反应的......
在热带地区的国家,椰子(Cocos nucifera)常被作为作物以及景观树种植。加勒比海国家利用椰子树来装点漂亮的沙滩海岸线的风景。椰......
Effect of Poria cocos Hydroethanolic Extract on Treating Adriamycin-Induced Rat Model of Nephrotic S
Objective: To evaluate the effect of Poria cocos(Schw.) Wolf hydroethanolic extract(PHE) against nephrotic syndrome(NS) ......
High purity polysaccharide of pachyman was isolated from the powder of Poria cocos sclerotium with an yield of 77.8%. Th......
Comparison of Sulfur Dioxide Residue in Chinese Medicinal Materials by Titration-fluorescence Spectr
With sulphur-fumigated Chinese medicinal materials( Fritillaria thunbergii,Isatis indigotica,Asparagus cochinchinensis a......
In vitro assessment of the synergism between extracts of Cocos nucifera husk and some standard antib
Objective: To evaluate the interactions between the crude extracts of Cocos nucifera(C.nucifera) and six front line anti......
椰子树学名为Cocos nucifera,是棕榈科多年生常绿乔木。椰子是热带果树,广布于南北纬23°以内的广大地区,全世界椰子生产国家和地......
椰子(Cocos nucifera),别名胥余、越王头,是棕榈科椰属植物,为常绿乔木,树高15~35米,属于典型的热带植物,遍布热带地区的50多个国家......
从组织培养获得的“Cavendish”和“Cocos”香蕉试管苗用香蕉萎蔫病菌(Fusarium oxysporum f.sp.Cubense)Ⅰ和Ⅳ两个小种孢子悬浮......
茯苓(Poria cocos)是一种传统的药用真菌。最近发现,茯苓的主要成份茯苓聚醣,经化学方法切断侧链后具有显著的抗癌活性。目前茯苓......