Conocarpus erectus L., a plant with a high content of structural sugars, ions and phenolic compounds
Objective: To evaluate the structural and chemical composition of plant and the antioxidant and antimicrobial activities......
A new triterpene glycoside, arjunetoside, together with oleanolic and arjunic acids has been isolated from the root bark......
Evaluation of acute and subacute toxicity induced by methanol extract ofTerminalia citrina leaves in
Anti-inflammatory intestinal activity of Combretum duarteanum Cambess. in trinitrobenzene sulfonic a
AIM To evaluate the anti-inflammatory intestinal effect of the ethanolic extract(EtO HE) and hexane phase(HexP) obtained......
使君子科(Combretaceae)主要分布于热带非洲和亚洲,美洲和澳洲也有少量分布.全世界有约20属,近500多种(Exell & Stace,1966).我国......
使君子科(Combretaceae)的萼翅藤属(Calycopteris Lam.)是一个亚洲热带山地特有属 .<Flora of British India>记载有萼翅藤(C.flor......