The first total synthesis of 5α-hydroxy-isopterocarpolone has been described.
The first total synthesis of 5α-hydroxy......
无刺甘蓝豆(Andira inermis(Wright)DC.)是热带地区优质用材树种。实验研究了无刺甘蓝豆种子萌发特性、脱水耐性和储藏特性。结果表明:......
目的:探讨甘露醇配合甘油果糖在治疗脑转移瘤中的脱水效果,并评估其临床价值.方法:选取我科2014年9月至201 5年9月收治的60例脑转移......
Ionic Liquid Based Vilsmeier Reagent as an Efficient Reagent for Esterification of Alcohols and Carb
The Vilsmeier reagent is well-known electrophilic reagent for synthetically useful organic transformations. Its ionic li......
The theory of failure of rolling contact bearings is based on fluctuating high level loading and material fatigue. This ......