Diversity variation and tempo-spatial distribution of the Dipteridaceae ferns in the Mesozoic of Chi
The extant family Dipteridaceae is a remarkable leptosporangiate fern because it includes only one genus with a rest......
Clathropteris was a typical dipterid fern with well documented fossil record and was widely dispersed during the Mes......
双扇蕨科是一个自然的类群,为单型科,有8种。中国产3种:中华双扇蕨Dipteris chinensisChrist、双扇蕨D.conjugata(Kaulf.)Reinw.和......
从中华双扇蕨(Dipteris chinemis)中分离得到一个新的对映贝壳杉烷型二萜和反式桂皮酸的二聚体:16β—hydroxy-17-[(Z)-p-coumaroyl]-en......