Measurement of Excursion ofFingerFlexorTendonsProducedbyaContinuousPassiveMotionMachineYoshidaE; DentJA; RowleyJece......
<strong>Background/Aim:</strong> Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) is one of the most common compressive, canalicular neuropa......
Gout is a form of inflammatory arthritis caused by hyperuricemia characterized by painful, hot and swollen joints. Howev......
Gout is a form of inflammatory arthritis caused by hyperuricemia characterized by painful, hot and swollen joints. Howev......
Despite early cautions against the primary repair of zone II flexor tendon injuries, recent advances in surgical techniq......
Giant cell tumor of the tendon sheath is the second most common tumor of the hand often referred to as xanthoma. Histolo......
Multiple tendons of the additional belly of flexor pollicis longus in the carpal tunnel: Embryologic
Although the flexor pollicis longus is known to show the additional head of the origin, the occurrence of its additional......
Normal tendon substance is strong and is unlikely to break before the muscle origin, muscle, musculotendinous junction o......
Tendon injuries are the second most common injuries of the hand and therefore an important topic in trauma and orthopedi......
Carpal tunnel syndrome(CTS)is well recognized as the most common type of peripheral neuropathy.A rare cause of CTS is to......
Acute calcific tendinitis of the shoulder is a well-known condition, but it is rare in the hand or finger. It is often m......
Flexor tendon repair has conventionally been done by suturing techniques. However, in recent times, there have been atte......