Flood-induced scour exposes foundation and potentially causes the structure a collapse.A disaster like structure failure......
Application of Advection-Diffusion Routing Model to Flood Wave Propagation:A Case Study on Big Piney
When studying the dam-break flow phenomenon,the basic hydrodynamic features of the dam-break flow at the gate location s......
通过对典型工况的计算值进行插值计算,得某测点的实际工况值.用Visual Basic 6.0编程显示大坝观测值的过程线,可对过程线进行放大......
用Visual Basic 6.0编写程序,显示有限元成果的应力、位移过程线,程序可对过程线进行放大、缩小、移动等操作.......
Two methods that define the point of baseflow recession onset were compared using storm hydrograph data for 27 storm eve......
Study of Hydrometeorology in a Hard Rock Terrain, Kadirischist Belt Area, Anantapur District, Andhra
Hydrometeorological studies reveal that the study area comes under semi-arid zone with moderate drought conditions. The ......
The science that underpins our knowledge and understanding of Isotope-Based Hydrograph separation (IHS) has gained groun......
Channel roughness is the most sensitive parameter in development of hydraulic model for flood forecasting and flood plan......
Developing GIS-Based Unit Hydrographs for Flood Management in Makkah Metropolitan Area, Saudi Arabia
Unit hydrographs (UH) are either determined from gauged data or derived using empirically-based synthetic unit hydrograp......
The fluctuation of most of the hydrograph in the deep aqueous system records the fluid pulsation in lithosphere and vari......
The fluctuation of most of the hydrograph in the deep aqueous system records the fluid pulsation in lithosphere and vari......
Present study emphasizes the applicability of linear theory concept onto hilly watersheds. For this purpose, Z-transform......
Channel roughness is a sensitive parameter in development of hydraulic model for flood forecasting and flood inundation ......
This paper firstly described the dam break in the aspects of theories and models. Break parameters prediction, the under......
Unit hydrograph is a very practical tool in runoff prediction which has been used since decades ago and to date it remai......
Major flood events occurred in the Arda River region in the last decades with great economic, social and environmental e......
In this paper,the maximum 1-hour rainfall( rain peak),the maximum 6-hour rainfall and the maximum 24-hour rainfall in th......
Floods and Hydrograms of Floods of Rivers in Arid Zones of the Mediterranean, Case of the Kingdom of
The Moroccan territory is often exposed to brutal and destructive floods. The latter is triggered by intense rains and s......