本文首次对引起我省部分城区榕树烂皮病的病原菌进行了分离鉴定 ,初步认为病原菌为隔担子菌 Septobasidium sp.,同时对该病的发生......
Mycelial growth rates and growth vigor, fruit body yields and characteristics, and cultivation periods of 13 Pleurotus e......
Stropharia rugoso-annulata basidiospores were collected from fruit bodies and single spore clones were isolated. Sixty m......
Domestication and Cultivation of Pleurotus citrinopileatus Strain Ninghuang No.16 on a Substrate Con
A new strain of Pleurotus citrinopileatus, Ninghuang No.16, suitable for cultivation on substrates containing pine and f......
Of eight Coprinus comatus strains tested, strain C_6 was found to be the most suitable with respect to mycelial growth v......
The effects of different cultivation treatments on the yield and quality of fruit bodies of a commercially produced Phol......
Effect of Nutritional Parameters and Temperature on the Growth of Pleurotus nebrodensis Mycelium, an
Glucose, peptone and MgSO_ 4 were, respectively, the most effective carbon, nitrogen and inorganic salt supplements test......
Four different media for growing Coprinus comatus strain CC16-8 in submerged culture were screened and subjected to orth......
Comparison of the Sesquiterpene Ester Profiles of Different Specialized Armillariella mellea Mycelia
Sesquiterpene profiles in methanolic extracts of crustose aerial hyphae, rhizomorphs and fruit bodies of Armillariella m......
[Objective] The aim was to obtain the optimum method to remove protein from polysaccharides of Armillariella tabescens.[......
通过试验确定了变异菌株平菇泰山-20BY,探讨了在不同碳源、氮源、温度、p H值等条件下对变异菌株菌丝生长的影响。试验结果表明,菌......
在瓶栽工艺工厂化生产条件下,分别以玉米秸秆、棉籽壳、玉米芯为主料,筛选白灵菇(Pleurotus eryngii var.tuoliensis)高产优质配方......
平菇(Pleurotus ostreatus)是目前栽培最广泛的食用菌之一,多数农业废弃物均可用作其栽培原料。本试验采用木屑(苹果枝条)、荞麦壳......