为研究食用靛蓝的降解过程,使用紫外-可见吸收光谱法建立食用靛蓝的光降解率模型。食用靛蓝吸收光谱中611 nm处的吸光度随光照时间......
Homogeneous and nanomolar detection of hydrazine by indigocarmine as a mediator at the surface of Ti
The homogeneous electrocatalytic oxidation of hydrazine(HZ) has been studied by indigocarmine(IND) as a mediator at the ......
Homogeneous and nanomolar detection of hydrazine by indigocarmine as a mediator at the surface of Ti
The homogeneous electrocatalytic oxidation of hydrazine (HZ) has been studied by indigocarmine (IND) as a mediator at th......