Two squarylium cyanine dyes (Sqs) were synthesized to explore their applications in photoelectrochemical solar cells. Na......
The purpose of this paper is to analyze the conflicts between spirit and body that exist among characters in Sons and Lo......
Paul is the protagonist of D.H. Lawrence’s most famous novel Sons and Lovers. And this paper aims to analyze the factor......
Sons and Lovers,written by one of the most uncompromising and volcanic authors of the 20th century,was the first modern ......
关于切除动物的一侧肾后,其残留肾的代偿性改变问题,早在上一世纪就有不少人研究过(Ribbert,1882;Tizzoni 等,1883;Eckbardt,1888......
一、引言茎尖培养脱毒在组织培养应用中仍然是最有意义的一个方面。自大丽花首次脱毒成功(Morel等, 1952)以来,已经脱除了许多种......
Suitability of Isotope Kinetic Approach to Assess Phosphorus Status and Bioavailability of Major Aci
A 32P isotope kinetic approach was used to describe the chemical status and bioavailability of phosphorusin 32 acidic so......
导演:皮埃尔·莫瑞尔Pierre Morel主演:乔纳森·莱斯-梅耶斯Jonathan Rhys Meyers、约翰·特拉沃尔塔John Travolta、艾波·罗丝·......
《儿子与情人》是英国现代作家 D.H.Lawrence 写于二十世纪初期的长篇小说。这是一部描写事业、爱情与绝望的悲剧性的自传体小说......
The approximat......
Marine inorganic photochemistry, as one of the important branches of marine chemistry, is significantly connected with m......
自从 Morel 用兰花分生组织为材料,进行无性繁殖成功之后,组织培养方法在快速繁殖各种观赏、园艺植物以及林果植物等方面都得到了......
A modified version of the Cotte. Lions, Morel and Coll theory for image selective smoothing and edge detection is propo......
莱斯特·伟门:“我犯了一个错误,不该称这种营销方式为‘直效营销(Diroot Marketing)’应该叫那‘个人营销(Personal Marketing)’更......
Based on the in situ optical measurements in the Bohai Sea of China, which belongs to a typical case-2 water area, we st......
Remote sensing model and dynamic mechanism for seasonal changes of the euphotic depth in the East Ch
Based on remote sensing data and models, spatial distribution of the monthly euphotic depth in the East China Sea in 199......
——何为中等,广西甘蔗,1992(1),1—3 培养基中大量的酚类物质存在是影响甘蔗腋芽诱导,腋芽增殖及腋芽苗质量的重要因素之一,它严......
以人工栽培梯棱羊肚菌(Morchella importuna)子囊果YAASMYPL6和六妹羊肚菌(M.sextelata)子囊果YAASMJN5,野生梯棱羊肚菌子囊果Zhao......
Lawrence’s novels are perhaps the most powerful exploration in the genre in English of family,class,sexuality and relat......