Individual thermal comfort prediction using classification tree model based on physiological paramet
Individual thermal comfort models based on physiological parameters could improve the efficiency of the personal thermal......
To reach the thermal comfort required in addition to the safety environment and conditions for the travelers.We must stu......
Cabin thermal comfort is predominantly impacted by the interior car cabin temperature.This study aims to investigate the......
Using six ice-tethered buoys deployed in 2012, we analyzed sea ice motion in the central Arctic Ocean and Fram Strait. T......
Comparative study on skin temperature response to menstruation at acupuncture points in healthy volu
OBJECTIVE:To assess skin temperature response to menstruation at acupuncture points in primary dysmenorrhea (PD) patient......
Difference between the effects of one-site and three-site abdominal hot-stone stimulation on the ski
The anatomical study of the major signal points of the court-type Thai traditional massage on legs a
OBJECTIVE: This study aims to investigate the relationship between major signal points (MaSPs) of the lower extremities ......