Apparent Densities of Stomoxys Species (Diptera, Muscidae) of Different Physiological Ages Caught wi
Stable flies(Stomoxys spp.)are common pests of livestock in the peri-urban rangelands of Vina Division of the Adamawa Pl......
,Genetic variability of the stable fly assessed on a global scale using amplified fragment length po
在累范特地区采集到8种螫蝇亚科种类,包括螫蝇属3种,厩螫蝇Stomoxys calcitrans( Linnaeus,1758),南螫蝇Stomoxys sitens Rondani,......
在累范特地区采集到8种螫蝇亚科种类,包括螫蝇属3种,厩螫蝇Stomoxys calcitrans( Linnaeus,1758),南螫蝇Stomoxys sitens Rondani,......
Impact of Manure Storage Time and Temperature on Microbial Composition and Stable Fly (Diptera: Musc
Samples are often frozen for preservation until needed for use. It has been a common practice to store fresh dairy manur......