In this study,the performance of a contra rotating vertical-axis tidal-current turbine was investigated.The incompressib......
Experimental and numerical investigation of the influence of roughness and turbulence on LUT airfoil
Vertical-axis wind turbines(VAWTs)have been widely used in urban environments,which contain dust and experience strong t......
In this paper, the development of a vertical axis hydrokinetic twin turbine for harvesting energy from flowing water in ......
Numerical and Experimental Investigation of Aerodynamic Performance of Vertical-Axis Wind Turbine Mo
Due to the importance and advantages of Vertical-axis wind turbines (VAWTs) over traditional horizontal-axis wind turbin......
Influence of different parameters on numerical simulation of vertical-axis marine current turbine ba
Using the PimpleDyMFoam solver in open-source computing software OpenFOAM,based on the SST k-ωturbulence model and PIMP......