Cytogenetic Analysis of the Primary Amphidiploid Derived from Interspecific Hybridization in Cucumis
Studies on the reproduction and cytogenetic characterization of a primary amphidiploid Cucumis species C. hytivus Chen a......
Asynchronous meiosis in Cucumis hystrix-cucumber synthetic tetraploids resulting in low male fertili
Interspecific hybridization and allopolyploidization contribute to the improvement of many important crops. Recently, we......
将节节麦与黑麦杂交,利用F1胚愈伤组织培养再生杂种植株,对胚再生杂种F1进行秋水仙素加倍获得了节节麦和黑麦的双二倍体(DDRR). 杂......