Benzene is a carcinogenic compound used in industrial manufacturing. Benzene exposure is associated with a multiplicity ......
目的探讨叶酸受体介导的宫颈特殊染色与细胞学检查两种方法对宫颈异常病变的临床筛查意义。方法对1 968例患者进行叶酸受体介导的......
目的:探讨经皮细针穿刺(fine needle aspiration,FNA)细胞块与涂片细胞学检查对肝细胞癌的诊断价值。方法:在B超引导下进行定位穿刺,应用......
为探究可口革囊星虫(Phascolosoma esculenta)受精过程中精子入卵、极体排放、雌雄原核的形成与结合以及早期卵裂的特点,为胚胎发育......
<正> 在欧美,乳腺肿块针吸细胞学诊断于70年代就已得到了成功的应用。近年来国内的一些研究也证实其实用价值。为了进一步提高乳腺......
A pilot double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled trial of curcumin/bioperine for lung cancer che
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease is an inflammatory condition with increased risk of lung cancer. We hypothesized t......
Comprehensive cytological characterization of the Gossypium hirsutum genome based on the development
Cotton is the world’s most important natural fiber crop. It is also a model system for studying polyploidization, genom......
Botryococcus braunii is widely studied due to its high hydrocarbon content. In this study, B . braunii Abt02 was subject......
The pollen intine plays important roles in pollen germination and tube growth,but related information in Ginkgo biloba r......
Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology in the Diagnosis of Canine Cutaneous Transmissible Venereal Tumor— C
Fine needle aspiration cytology (FNAC) has been widely used in the diagnosis of lesions from various origins, especially......
Contribution of Cytology for the Diagnosis of Gallbladder Carcinoma to Avoid Misdiagnosis in This Co
The cytological study of gallbladder bile is a diagnostic tool used very often in the treatment of gallbladder cancer. T......