Objective To study the ent-kaurane diterpenoids from Rabdosia rubescens.Methods The compounds were isolated by chromat......
从滇姜花根茎中分离到1个新二萜成分,命名为滇姜花戊素(1),其结构经波谱学方法鉴定为13β-furanolabda-8(17), 11-dien-6β, 7α-d......
Two new diterpenoids, nagadine 1 and 14-benzoylsachaconitine 2 were isolated from the roots of Aconitum nagarum. Their s......
To investigate diterpenoids from the aerial parts of Andrographis paniculata (Burm. f.) Nees, three new ent-labdane dite......
Two new diterpenoids,named glaucocalyxin F and glaucocalyxin X,respectively,were isolated from the whole plant of Rabdos......
A new ent-abietane diterpenoid,named dayecrystal C,was isolated from the EtOAc extract of the dried leaves of lsodon mac......
A new diterpenoid, named populusol A (1), was isolated from the methanolic extraction of the stem bark of Populus davidi......
作者从药用植物峨眉海桐(Pittosporum omeiense)根中,分离得到了8个化合物.通过波谱分析及已知物数据对照,分别鉴定为11-羟基杉醇(......
目的:研究广西甜茶(Rubus suavissimus S.Lee)叶中的活性成分。方法:利用反复硅胶柱层析的方法对广西甜荼进行分离和纯化,通过IR、MS、NM......
目的:分离纯化河南产尾叶香茶菜(Rabdosia excisa)叶部位的化学成分。方法:利用硅胶柱色谱法对尾叶香茶菜叶部位的化学成分进行分离和......
目的研究雷公藤(Tripterygium wilfordii Hook.F.)的化学成分.方法应用各种色谱技术进行分离纯化,用UV,IR,1H NMR,MS,HRMS,1H-1H C......
为了研究安徽贝母(Fritillaria anhuiensis S.C.Chen et S.E.Yin)的化学成分。将安徽贝母的干燥鳞茎用95%乙醇回流提取后,用硅胶柱色谱进行......
Two new diterpenoid quinones, coleon S and T were isolated from the chloroform extract of the leaves of Coleus forskohli......
为了研究鹰嘴豆的化学成分,本文采用大孔吸附树脂柱色谱、十八烷基键合硅胶(octadecyl bonded silica gel,ODS)柱色谱和制备高效液相......
川黔翠雀(Delphinium bonvalotii Franch.)为我国特有的翠雀属植物,民间用其根治疗跌打损伤或风湿性关节炎,外用和口服均无明显毒性,其化......