Cercosporoid fungiinclude a large number of mostly plant pathogenic fungi with a wide geographic distribution,being usua......
A new anamorphic fungus was discovered on leaves of Capsicum annuum L.collected in Yunnan of China.Its conidia, coni......
Ulocladium subcucurbitae and U brassicae are described and illustrated.These species were isolated from diseased lea......
Three new species of Stemphylium from China are described and illustrated: S.pruni, S.plantaginis and S.capsici.The ......
Two conidial fungi of Pseudoacrodictys were collected from the tropical forests of Yunnan Province, southern China.P......
Lomaantha phragmitis sp.nov.is described and illustrated from a specimen collected on dead culms of Phragmites commu......
Ulocladium cantlous sp.nov.isolated from northwestern China its morphology and molecular phylogeneti
A new species of Ulocladium was isolated from diseased leaves from two Cucumis sp.growing in Sinkiang and Gansu prov......
Four new species of Corynespora were found during a continuing survey of anamorphic fungi in tropical areas of Haina......
Two new species of Sporidesmium, S.melicopes and S.raphiodophorae, were collected from dead branches in Hainan.They ......
Two new species, Corynespora litseae on Litsea elongata and Corynespora parapyrenariae on Parapyrenaria multisepala ......
Two new species of Minimelanolocus, viz.M.endospermi and M.pterocarpi occurred on the hosts Endospermum chinense and......
Elegantimyces sporidesmiopsis, a species new to mainland China, is reported and illustrated based on the specimen co......
Sativumoides punicae gen.et sp.nov.and Cladosporiopsis ovata gen.et sp.nov.are described and illustrated.Sativumoide......
Three species of Corynesporopsis — C.uniseptata, C quercicola, and C.indica — are recorded for the first time from......
During surveys of hyphomycetes from the Northwest of China, two undescribed taxa of Stemphylium were discovered from......
Three species of the anamorphic fungus Neosporidesmium were collected from tropical forests in Hainan province, Chin......
Clonostachys phyllophila and Clonostachys rogersoniana were isolated from rhizosphere soil of Allium tuberosum in Chaoya......
从河南各地采集的1000多份真菌标本中,鉴定出丝孢菌类12属,54种,其中河南新记录种16个.即葡萄孢菌2种(Botrytis tulipor,B.squamosa);梨孢菌......
暗色砖格丝分孢子真菌(Dematiaceous dictyo-mitosporic fungi)是指分生孢子具有纵、横膈膜的暗色,以有丝分裂方式产生孢子的真菌,......
通过对采自江西省庐山、井冈山枯枝表层暗色丝孢真菌室内处理,发现1个中国新记录种:芒格陶塔伊异棒孢(Solicorynespora maungatautar......
研究了节丛孢Arthrobotrys、单顶孢Monacrosporium和隔指孢Dactylella三个捕食线虫丝孢菌属16个菌株,对水稻立枯丝核菌Rhizoctonia ......