Good practice in post-harvest operations depends on the contamination of groundnuts (<em>Arachis hypogaea</em>) by mycot......
In this paper, the int......
Good practice in post-harvest operations depends on the contamination of groundnuts (Arachis hypogaea) by mycotoxins. Th......
2016年进行了花生(A rachis hypogaea L.)多点品种(系)比较试验,参试的3个品种(系)平均单产4290 kg∕hm^2.其中宜昌黑花生新品系全生育期......
利用自身基因组荧光原位杂交技术,对花生(Arachis hypogaea L.)进行自身基因组原位杂交分析。结果显示,杂交信号沿所有染色体的全......
开农56是开封市农林科学研究院利用开农30作母本、从国外引进资源选育的开选01-6作父本杂交选育而成的高产、早熟花生(Arachis hypo......
利用Ah MITE、SSR、SRAP及SRAP-RGA 4种分子标记技术研究了花生(Arachis hypogaea Linn)作图亲本花育22号与"950527"间的分子多态性。......
于鄂东三地同时对花生(Arachis hypogaea Linn.)进行接种土著根瘤菌(Rhizobium)HG-5菌株的田间试验。结果表明,接种处理对花生饱果率、......
通过花生(Arachis hypogaea L.)新品种信花425共6个种植密度处理(10 000、11 000、12 000、13 000、14 000、15 000穴/667 m^2,每穴2......
农作物的三维建模与可视化系统的研究对于农作物生长过程和经济产量有重要意义。在花生(Arachis hypogaea Linn.)拓扑结构与花生的生......
花生(Arachis hypogaea L.)新品种漯花4011是河南省漯河市农业科学院为适应中国长江流域生产需要选育出的优质、矮秆、高出仁率花生......
Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi combined with exogenous calcium improves the growth of peanut(Arachis h
The growth and yield of peanut are negatively affected by continuous cropping.Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi(AMF)and calci......
花生(Arachis hypogaea L.)缺钙造成严重空荚(胚胎败育),导致减产、降质,长期困扰南方花生生产。以大田足(施足钙)、缺(缺钙地大田本底)钙条件......
对两个品种的花生(Arachis hypogaea L.)萌发种子(萌发3d)和幼苗(萌发5d)的多胺氧化酶(Polyamine oxidase,PAO)活性的分布特点进行......
将已去子叶的粤优1号花生(Arachis hypogaea L.)的胚、胚芽、上胚轴、下胚轴、胚轴作外植体在MS、1/2MS和B5培养基上进行离体培养,结......
对花生(Arachis hypogaea L.)幼苗多胺氧化酶(Polyamine oxidase,PAO)的分离提取方法进行了研究,内容涉及PAO活性在花生幼苗各器官中的分......
采用No.hemblotting和Western blotting方法分析了聚乙二醇(Polyethylene glycol,PEG)和环己酰亚胺(Cycloheximide,CHX)处理对花生(Arachis......
为了方便对现有品种资源进行有效选择利用,以67份冀鲁豫3省花生(Arachis hypogaea L.)主栽品种(品系)为材料,对出仁率、百果质量、百仁......
为探讨花生(Arachis hypogaea Linn)不同品种植株不同部位白藜芦醇含量的特点,为筛选高白藜芦醇花生品种提供依据.通过综合分析白藜......
将花生(Arachis hypogaea L.)粤优1号去子叶胚接种在以B5+0.20 mg/L 6-BA+0.20 mg/L NAA的培养基上,测定胚的萌发及幼苗各器官多胺氧化......
利用GeneRacer试剂盒对花生(Arachis hypogaea L.)AhNCED1基因全长cDNA序列进行了克隆,并进一步对相应AhNCED1基因组DNA的结构进行了......
采用微波辅助碱液提取花生(Arachis hypogaea L.)壳黄酮,通过酸沉技术得到黄酮粗品。以黄酮提取得率作评价指标,利用单因素实验探......
A new coumestan, 3, 9-dihydroxy-4, 8-dimethoxycoumestan, was isolated from Arachis hypogaea L. together with two known c......
Peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) leaf aqueous extracts (PLAE) has been reputed to be a type of sleep-aid in China. To invest......
The present investigation was conducted to find out the effect of varying levels of fly ash and growth hormones on the d......
Cloning, Expression Pattern Analysis and Subcellular Localization of Resveratrol Synthase Gene in Pe
Resveratrol synthase (RS) is a key enzyme that plays a critical role in the resveratrol synthesis pathway. In this study......
The greater use of crop fields by increasing plant population is an alternative to minimize losses to the farmers who us......
UV-B radiation has been widely documented as a stressor for plants that can cause decreased biomass, reduction in photos......
Pb-Stress Induced Oxidative Stress Caused Alterations in Antioxidant Efficacy in Two Groundnut (&
Lead (Pb) is an important environmental pollutant extremely toxic to plants and other living organisms including humans.......
The area cultivated with sugarcane in Brazil is expanding, and increasingly using legumes cover crop in new deployed are......
Recent Advances in the Acclimation Mechanisms and Genetic Improvement of Peanut for Drought Toleranc
Peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) is one of the most important oilseed crops that are cultivated worldwide. Peanut production......
Development and validation of simple sequence repeat markers from Arachis hypogaea transcript sequen
Simple sequence repeats(SSRs)are important molecular markers for assessing genetic diversity in Arachis hypogaea L.and m......
Phytochemical investigation of peanut testa(the seed coat of Arachis hypogaea L.)led to the isolation of eight phenolic ......
Molecular Cloning,Genomic Organization and Functional Analysis of the Ribosomal Protein S30(RPS 30)G
The ribosomal proteins are crucial for the maintenance of ribosomal translational efficiency and fidelity.In the study,w......
Peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) is an important oil crop globally and high oil content is one of the major targets in peanu......
PR10(pathogenesis-related class10protein)类蛋白与植物的抵御外来病害及系统获得性抗性(SAR)有着紧密联系,本文采用基于PCR的基因组......
通过五点联合试验,系统调查了黄冈市2个红衣花生(Arachis hypogaea Linn.)品种典明红和杜皮红的产量和主茎高、侧枝长、总分枝数、......
为确定辽宁省花生(Arachis hypogaea Linn.)网斑病病原菌,采用柯赫氏法则,测定从病样中分离的纯培养物致病性,根据其形态学特性及I......
Glutamate dehydrogenase regulates crop development, growth, and biomass yield through its synthesis of non-genetic code-......
Identification of main effect and epistatic QTLs controlling initial flowering date in cultivated pe
Initial flowering date(IFD)is closely related to mature period of peanut pods.In present study,a population of recombina......