Silicene,a counterpart of graphene,has achieved rapid development in recent years due to its exotic electronic propertie......
The scanning tunneling microscope (STM) has permitted to reveal the Kondo structure of many molecules adsorbed on metall......
Role of Cooperative Interactions in the Intercalation of Heteroatoms between Graphene and a Metal Su
Graphene,a two-dimensional crystal of carbon atoms packed in a honeycomb structure,has many promising mechanical,electri......
Combining the highly spatial-resolved topographic imaging with the optical excitation and spectral analysis,photo-assist......
Investigating coherent intermolecular dipole-dipole coupling with STM induced luminescence technique
Coherent intermolecular dipole-dipole coupling plays a key role in various resonant energy transfer and luminescence phe......
Influence of a dielectric decoupling layer on the local electric field and molecular spectroscopy in
In this Letter, we use electromagnetic simulations to systematically investigate the influence of a thin dielectric laye......
Direct observation of the scaling relation between density of states and pairing gap in a dirty supe
Theories and experiments on dirty superconductors are complex but important in terms of both theoretical fundamen-tals a......
Role of cooperative interactions in the intercalation of heteroatoms between graphene and a metal su
Graphene, a two-dimensional crystal of carbon atoms packed in a honeycomb structure, has many promising mechanical, ......