Phenotypic and functional modulation of adult dermal fibroblasts by mid-and late-gestational keratin
Objective: Fetal wound healing occurs rapidly and without scar formation early in gestation, but the mechanisms underlyi......
Aim: Scarring is a physiological process in adult wound repair. Although keratinocytes and fibroblasts are the main cell......
目的:介绍一种在上腹部不留手术瘢痕的腹腔镜胆囊切除新术式。方法:方法一:沿脐上、下缘各做5mm横行切口,各穿刺5mm Trocar,分别供5mm腹......
目的:探讨经脐入路腹腔镜无疤痕胆囊切除术的可行性。方法:33例患者均于脐下穿刺5mm Trocar,置入30°腹腔镜,脐上缘做15mm切口,......