Background and Objective Increased transmural dispersion ofrepolarization (TDR) has been shown to contribute to initiati......
AIM:To study recent experience and safety of ergonovine stress echocardiography in our centre.METHODS:In this study we c......
Is current training in basic and advanced cardiac life support(BLS & ACLS) effective? A study of BLS
BACKGROUND:Healthcare professionals are expected to have knowledge of current basic and advanced cardiac life support(BL......
Objective: To observe the effect of statins on preventing paroxysmal atrial fibrillation (PAF) after pacemaker imlantati......
Atrial arrhythmia is common in clinic. Recently, it was revealed that ectopic impulses originating in sleeve muscles aro......
1977年Stemple 首先提出良性缓慢阵发房性心动过速(Benign Slow paroxysmal atrial tachy-cardia 简称良性房速)。本文报道267例(......
950269 Radiofrequency ablation of atrioventricularaccessory pathways in treating supraventricular tachy-cardia.LI Zhongc......
Selenium concentration in patients with heart rhythm disturbances and the part ofselenium in treatment of this pathology......