Variation of precipitation for the last 300 years over the middle and lower reaches of the Yellow Ri
The precipitation at 17 stations over the middle and lower reaches of the Yellow River is reconstructed during the perio......
Polydentate-ligand-supported self-assembly of heterometallic T-shaped Co_4Dy cluster showing slow ma
A novel mixed-valent heterometallic pentanuclear CoIII3CoIIDyIII cluster has been rationally assembled taking advantage ......
现在本版YE又开始热得烫手,说句实话,能做到经久不衰的球拍还真不多,那是什么因素让它这样红得发黑的呢? 首先是榜样的力量,榜样......
我手中只有两支进口板,这是我打过的所有进口板了,不过,这两支板是两个极端——硬且厚的五夹“马祖诺夫”(Butterfly Mazunov)和......
Glauconite is widely distributed in space and time.In China glauconite-bearing strata are of extensiveoccurrence rangin......
Selective Affinity Separation of Yeast Alcohol Dehydrogenase by Reverse Micelles with Unbound Triazi
The reversed micelles were formed with cationic cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB) as surfactant and n-hexanol as cos......