Hepatitis C infected patients need vitamin D3 supplementation in the era of direct acting antivirals
It has been reported that the serum level of vitamin D3(Vit D3) could affect the natural course of chronic hepatitis C(C......
瞄准:调查直接在对待丙肝有或没有木钉干扰素 alfa2a (P) ,或 ribavirin (R) 扮演 antivirals (DAA ) 的治疗的功效,安全,和费用病毒(H......
Safe and effective sofosbuvir-based therapy in patients with mental health disease on hepatitis C vi
AIM To study impact of baseline mental health disease on hepatitis C virus(HCV) treatment; and Beck’s Depression Invent......
AIM To evaluate the bidirectional association between metabolic syndrome(MS) components and antiviral treatment response......