昆明某动物医院接诊1例苏卡达陆龟(Geochelone sulcata)生殖器脱垂病例,临床检查见精神沉郁,不愿活动,阴茎从泄殖腔脱出,长约2 cm,呈圆盘......
回顾性分析无生殖器脱垂妇女需行全子宫和双附件切除术时,腹腔镜外科是否能降低剖腹术率。 从1993年1月~1995年12月,96例无生殖器......
Purpose: The aim of this study was to determine whether or not abdominal or vaginal access is the best choice for treati......
OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the effect of mediolateral episiotomy on puerperal pelvic floor strength and dysfunction (urinary......
Introduction. Prosthetic reinforcement by the vaginal approach for surgical repair of pelvic prolapse is experiencing in......
Objectives.-Prosthetic reinforcement in the surgical repair of pelvic prolapse by the vaginal approach is currently on t......
〔英〕/S derberg M W…//A cta O bstetG ynecolScand.-2004,83.-1193~1198生殖器脱垂是阴道旁组织对周围器官的抗拉力丧失所致。......