CRL4B interacts and coordinates with SIN3A/HDAC complex to repress CDKN1A in driving cell cycle prog

来源 :2014全球华人遗传学大会暨全国第十三次医学遗传学学术会议 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ghgbmnmaps
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CUL4B, a scaffold protein that assembles CRL4B ubiquitin ligase complex, participates in the regulation of a broad spectrum of biological processes.We here demonstrated a critical role of CUL4B in driving cell cycle progression.We showed that loss of CUL4B resulted in a significantly reduced cell proliferation and G1 cell cycle arrest that were accompanied by the upregulation of the CDK inhibitors p21 and p57.
目的:妊娠期糖尿病(GDM)患者可能存在胎盘环境异常,进而造成一些胎盘结构改变,并影响胎盘发育和功能.因此,本研究旨在确定GDM胎盘中是否存在结构改变.设计:比较GDM及正常妊娠者的足月胎盘的超微结构变化.方法:本研究纳入10例GDM及10例正常对照,经过知情同意后分别取其足月妊娠胎盘,分别应用光学显微镜(light microscopy,LM)和投射电子显微镜(transmission elec
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Background: Hearing loss is one of the most prevalent human birth defects.Genetic factors contribute to the pathogenesis of deafness.It is estimated that one-third of deafness genes have already been
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目的:本课题旨在观察ube2c在斑马鱼胚胎发育过程中的时空表达规律,并对其功能进行研究.方法:选择2hpf(受精后2h)、4hpf、 Shpf、12 hpf、 24 hpf、 48 hpf、 72 hpf、7dpf(受精后7d)的斑马鱼胚胎,进行Real-Time RCR、westem blot对ube2c在不同时间段的表达检测;对各时期胚胎进行整胚原位杂交,观察ube2c在斑马鱼不同时期胚胎中时
神经管畸形(Neural Tube Defects,NTD)、先天性心脏病(Congenital Heart Diseases,CHD)等均是我国发病率居前的重大出生缺陷.内在遗传因素在这些疾病的发生中占重要地位,如超过70%的NTD的发生可归于遗传因素.深入明确这些重大出生缺陷的遗传机制,建立产前基因筛查清单,是降低其发生率的重要因素.罕见相关家系一定程度上限制了通过家系研究发现致病的基因变异.
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