Analysis of BeiDou Satellite Orbit Prediction Based on ERP Prediction Errors Impact

来源 :第六届中国卫星导航学术年会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yejunlan
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  According to the real-time positioning of BeiDou navigation satellite.Analysis Center (AC) was necessary to develop Earth Rotation Parameters (ERP) products based onautoregressive integrated moving average (ARIMA) mode,then,it necessary to transform the BeiDou navigation satellite ephemeris of Inertial System to the Earth Solid System according to the ERP prediction products.For MEO,IGSO and GEO,the development of ERP products of AC calculated the BeiDou navigation satellite orbit error was less than 50cm based on the ERP product of Earth Rotation Service System (IERS) forecast for 30 days in the Earth Solid System orbit as a true value,which indicated that the ERP prediction error impacted the Earth Solid System precise ephemeris calculation accuracy,and indicated AC ERP prediction results with IERS products fairly.
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