Introducing“Openness”to Japan’s Early Years Education Since the Late 1990s(without telling the teach

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The concept of adapting the SO-called”open—classrooms”-where wallsseparating each classroom are removed to create more“open’’school environment forteachers—in Japanese educational environment has experienced quite a struggle after itwas exported from one of the ideological teachings deriving from the 1970s in the UnitedStates.The main purpose of this paper is to exemplify the practical experiences ofteachers’hardships in managing the classrooms through using secondary literatures toseek practices that promote a more child-centred way of teaching in Japanese classroomsin order to come up with a better ways of teaching that Can benefit from open—classroomconcept in Japan.It also aims to describe the policy implementations that have not hadmuch positive impact on the advancement of the quality of education,despite its positiveintentions of creating a more child.friendly environment at schools,to introduce someparticularistic natures of Japanese schools and its recent history.In order to draw aconclusion,this paper provides recommendations to the policy makers that“one sizenever fits a11”.
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