2D C0 Complexity

来源 :the 2nd Shanghai International Symposium on NOnlinear Scienc | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:saveflv
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  During the past decades a variety of complexity measures of symbol sequences have been defined.Rapp proposed a taxonomic characterization of such measures based on three defining characteristics:randomness finding versus rule finding,probabilistie versus non-probabilistic and formula based versus model based.These measures can be used to analyze data in the form of one-dimensional time series.However,how to extend the above approaches to characterize two-dirnensional data,such as image is still an open problem.And this problem is important m find some integral morphological parameters which can provide measurement for the quantitative characterization and classification of 2D structures.
【摘 要】针对机械结构拆装教学中存在的问题,提出了解决办法,并进行了教学方案设计  【关键词】机械结构拆装;项目化教学;研究  项目化教学是以项目为载体,以工作任务为驱动,将理论与实践有机结合,使学生在完成项目的过程中掌握知识和技能。可以是一门课,也可以是一门课程中的某些章节围绕项目组织和展开教学和实践,使学生直接参与项目,并完成全过程。这样可以将理论教学、实践教学融于一体,打破了以往的以理论教学
  It presents a method of normalization of complexity base on surrogate,and applies the prevalent Surrogate Method into time series analysis,which successfull
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  In this paper,a two-lane cellular automaton model was used to simulate the traffic flow near a bus stop.The model is based on NaSch traffic model.Two differ