Effects of Sintering Temperature and Porogen Addition on Properties of Low Cost Porous Mullite Ceram

来源 :The 5th International Congress on Ceramics, ICC5(第五届国际陶瓷大会) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jianweify
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  In this paper,low cost porous mullite ceramics with high porosity,high strength and low thermal conductivity were fabricated by ceramic waste powder and clay as raw material,sawdust as porogen.The relationship of phase composition,physical properties and thermal properties of this porous mullite ceramics were researched by changing sintering temperature and the extra addition of sawdust.The results show that: The complex properties show the best when the sintering temperature is 1400 ℃ and the extra addition of sawdust is 30wt%.Among the best properties,The bulk density is 0.87g/cm3,apparent porosity is 60.7%,cold crushing strength reaches to 5.3Mpa,the thermal conductivity is 0.212W·m-1·K-1.Observed from SEM and EDS graphs,new mullite phrase appeared in the samples and mullite phrase can strengthen the samples.
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摘要:课堂是学生自我发展和实现的主要精神阵地,本文从五个方面研究了如何构建初中数学高效课堂,从而让学生个性得到张扬,让思维火花得到绽放,让数学课堂充满勃勃的生命活力。  关键词:课堂教学;高效;初中数学  中图分类号:G633.6 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1992-7711(2017)02-0024  教育是人的精神生命活动的过程,数学课堂教学的生命实体是教师和学生。因此,高效课堂教学即是教师和