The variability of pain sensitivity and response to octreotide administration in PIA in difference h

来源 :中国神经科学学会第四次会员代表大会暨第七届全国学术会议(The 7th Biennial Meeting and the | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:czw6243579
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  The inbred DA (Dark Agouti) rats are very susceptible to induced arthritis,especially to pristane induced arthritis (PIA),the attack rate almost reaching 100%.PIA is extremely resembled rheumatoid arthritis (RA) in clinical manifestation or in laboratory diadynamic criteria,so it is optima model to study RA.The inbred E3 rats are wide used for its resistant to PIA completely.The inbred DA.1U rats contains the whole DA non-MHC genes excepted MHC genes,since it is a recombinant inbred of DA and E3 rats,any phenotypic differences in crosses between them will stem from MHC haploid complexes.In addition,it is well known that neuropeptides,such as substance P (SP),somatostatin (SOM),and so on,play an important role in RA.
In the central nervous system,neuronal-released glutamate is mainly uptaken by astrocyte.However,the fate of uptaken glutamate is still controversial.We used isocratic reversed high performance liquid
Recently,it has been demonstrated that TRPM7 is an essential mediator of anoxia-induced neuronal death which is activated by oxidative stress.Meanwhile,nerve growth factor (NGF) is known to have survi
Exopolyphosphatase (PPX) is one of the main enzymes that degrade and release orthophosphate (Pi) from the ends of polyphosphate.It is widely distributed in living organisms and the characteristics of
重组AAV-2 (rAAV-2)对神经组织的有选择性感染,因此被用作一些神经退行性疾病如帕金森病基因治疗的载体。帕金森病为神经系统退行性疾病,其主要病理改变为黑质多巴胺能神经元进行性减少,导致投射到纹状体中的神经递质多巴胺减少,从而引起一系列如运动徐缓等症状。因此,黑质和纹状体常被作为基因治疗的靶点。为了研究rAAV-2对大鼠黑质和纹状体神经元的感染性,我们将16-d SD孕鼠的腹侧中脑和纹状体神
Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) promotes neurogenesis in the subventricular zone (SVZ),hippocampal dentate gyrus (DG),and the striatum of adult mammalian brains.However,effect of VEGF on cor
目的 在近几年的临床实践中,我们发现部分运动障碍患者伴有血浆铜蓝蛋白(Ceruloplasmin,Cp)水平降低,其血清总铜降低与24 h尿铜排泄增加,但并不伴有角膜K-F环阳性、肝功能损害、肾功能损害等,大部分患者无遗传家族史,难以诊断为Wilson病(WD).目前,该组患者长期处于不明诊断状态,缺乏有效的针对性治疗方法.迄今为止,我们尚未见到国内、外类似的研究报道.方法 2003年1月至200
Many current theories of Parkinson s disease (PD) suggest that inflammation is involved in the neurodegenemtive process.Tripchlorolide (TW397),a traditional Chinese herbal compound with anti-inflammat
Ferroportin1 (FP1) and hephaestin (HP) are newly-found iron transporters cooperating in the iron effiux process in the gut.While their roles in brain iron homeostasis are not fully elucidated.Our prev
Based on the previous study,we assume that newly discovered iron transporter,divalent metal transporter 1 (DMT1),might be involved in the MPTP-induced nigral iron accumulation.In the present study,we
The aim of this study is to investigate the response of astrocytes (AS) in rat supraoptic nucleus (SON) to different osmolar stimulation and the mechanism of affecting the activation of neurons.The ex