A controlled clinical trial on three methods for the treatment of patellar osteoporotic fracture of

来源 :第七届国际骨质疏松及骨矿盐疾病学术会议 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ZXX198811
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Background: To investigate therapeutic effects and indications of three different methods for the treatment of patella fractures secondary to Osteoporosis in Asian old and middle aged woman, in order to provide evidences for the standard treatment of this type of fractures.
研究目的 研究初级纤毛在淫羊藿素促进成骨细胞成熟矿化中所起的作用:是作为接受淫羊藿素信号的感受体还是作为向下游传递淫羊藿素信号的中介物?是初级纤毛的哪种成分起了关键作用?其上游和下游促进骨形成的分子机理又是什么?
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