Roles for the chromatin remodeler CHD7 in CNS patterning and neural stem cell proliferation and diff

来源 :The 6th FAONS Congress and 11th Biennial Conference of CNS(第 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xujingtony
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  Impairments in central nervous system(CNS)processing of peripheral sensory functions(vision,hearing,balance and olfaction)are common in autism spectrum disorders(ASDs).
Alzheimers disease is the most common cause of neurodegeneration in the elderly.Since cholinergic deficit and excitatory amino acid toxicity are the well recognized pathologies in the Alzheimers brain
帕金森病(PD)是一种中老年人常见的神经系统变性疾病,其发病被认为与遗传和环境因素有关,DJ-1 基因是一个较为重要的PD 致病基因,参与了家族性及散发性PD 的发生.DJ-1 作为分子伴侣,帮助细胞抵抗氧化应激攻击,但是对于其抗氧化应激的分子机制及其致病机理尚不明确.
In recent years,our serial investigations focused on the role of cancer cells-derived endogenous formaldehyde in bone cancer pain.We found that cancer cells produced formaldehyde through demethylation
Bone cancer-induced pain is one of the most severe types of chronic pain.Approximately 90% of advanced bone cancer patients must cope with chronic pain syndromes related to tumor progression and faile
目的:在单用非典型抗精神病药物的中国汉族精神分裂症患者人群中,探讨SREBF1基因及SCAP 基因多态性与非典型抗精神病药物相关代谢综合症的关系。
目的:研究首发未服药精神分裂症患者治疗早期灰质异常的变化及其与临床症状和认知功能的关联。方法:纳入57 例首发精神分裂症患者和59 名健康对照,分别在基线时进行临床评估(仅患者组)、认知功能评估、磁共振扫描,患者组均使用二代抗精神病药进行治疗,健康对照组不进行任何干预,8 周后再次进行临床评估、认知功能评估、磁共振扫描。
The laminin α1(Lama1)gene has been recently identified as one of the 50 novel genes implicated in recessive cognitive disorders(Najmabadi et al.,Nature 2011).
A trauma system is an organized,coordinated effort in a defined geographic area that delivers the full range of care to all injured patients and is integrated with the local public health system.