The kinetics of Isotachophoresis Revealed by Monitoring Non-uniform Motion of single DNA molecules

来源 :第八届全国微全分析系统学术会议、第三届全国微纳尺度生物分离分析学术会议暨第五届国际微化学与微系统学术会议 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:changtongct
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  Isotachophoresis (ITP) has wide applications in chemistry and life sciences due to its pre-concentration function.A simplified ITP system consists of a leading electrolyte (LE) and a terminating electrolyte (TE).For LE and TE to migrate at the same velocity (ν),the respective E in each zone must adapt to their electrophoretic mobility (μ) according to Eq.1.νTE=νLE=μE (1) The LE zone with a high electrophoretic mobility will have a low E,and the TE zone with a low electrophoretic mobility will have a high E (Scheme 1).Current literature commonly assumes that the adaption of E is fast and is not the rate-limiting step.However,actual adaption kinetics of ITP has not been studied yet.Moreover,it is not clear how electroosmotic flow affects the kinetics of ITP.By taking advantage of single molecule imaging,here we examined the changes in electric field and the resulting non-uniform motion of single DNA molecules in capillary isotachophoresis.The individual DNA molecules passing the detection window are consecutively imaged in real time at 50-milisecond intervals.Since the migration velocity of DNA is directly proportional to the applied electric field strength (E),imaging the movement of DNA provides necessary information for understanding the distribution of E throughout the capillary.On the basis of velocity-time curves and the EOF and μ values,we obtained the electric field-time curves (Fig.2),which show three discrete E zones: a zone of high E flanking with two zones of low E.The phenomenon of the three distinct E zones has not been reported previously.This work allows us to gain insights into the kinetics of varying-field ITP and the developed strategy is applicable to the focusing and detecting single DNA molecules and DNA damages.
1922年秋,徐志摩从英国留学回国,发表了一篇《徐志摩离婚通告》,一时间震惊全国,造成了近代史头一桩西式离婚事件。  当时徐志摩写下了一段文字:“我将在茫茫人海中寻访我唯一之灵魂伴侣。得之,我幸;不得,我命。”  而除了追求“灵魂伴侣”,很少有人知道,他还曾追求过“灵魂导师”而不得。徐志摩的爱情观、价值观也有不少是追随这位令他远渡重洋,魂牵梦萦的一代大家。  他就是伯特兰·罗素。中国迷弟一箩筐  
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