The application of project-based approach in Sports EAP

来源 :中国学术英语教学研究会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wangjie198811
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  It is common among Sport major students that ability in independent study,time spent,discipline and stamina in English learning are all far from sufficiency.
Guidelines for College English Teaching——a national syllabus to be issued by Chinas Ministry of Education for the first time integrates EAP(English for Academic Purposes)into the contents of college E
Nowadays a certain number of universities in China have played leading roles in developing EAP curricula for undergraduate students,most of which are 985/211 level universities,such as Fudan Universit
Faced with the economic globalization and the internationalization of higher education,college English needs to reorient itself.
The EAP theory and practice have gained momentum since the program was launched nationwide in China in the early 2010s.
Educators working in China,and indeed Asia,can often find that they have quite a lot of autonomy when it comes to the curriculum.
This study explores functions of peer questioning in EAP class activities from a cognitive perspective.
In the research on project teaching approach,the domestic problems in application and countermeasures,and the problems of teachers role changing are rarely involved,and the literature on specialty cou
The research analyzes the metaphoric gestures for abstract scientific ideas in science classes,and compares Chinese and English teachers metaphoric thinking and pedagogical methods.
To meet the challenges posted by higher education internationalization, English teaching for students in universities of science and technology should focus on developing students ability for scientif
This research starts with a review of definitions of CBI.It then discusses they notions of CBI with its focus on the analysis of the theoretical background of CBI.